Book List
I am an avid reader and have been my entire life. In fact I learned to read at two years old—an apparently abnormally young age—and have been obsessed with stories and books ever since. That said, as I get older, I’ve found it harder and harder to focus on finishing a book and I’ve regretted the loss of this favorite pastime. So I am making it a goal of mine to read at least three books per month—one fiction, one nonfiction, and one toss-up. I will keep a list of these books, as well as some of my other favorites, on this page along with my thoughts and reflections on the content.
I have been really enjoying listening to audiobooks on Audible which I highly recommend! I have been able to read as I’m sitting on the subway commuting, while I’m eating lunch at a cafe, while cleaning my apartment, or as I’m editing photos at my desk. It’s a much better use of my listening, in my opinion, than just playing some background music!
I love to hear from you as well, so if you have read anything awesome recently shoot me a message with some suggestions!
Influencer: Building Your Personal Brand in the Age of Social Media by Brittany Hennessy
Rating —/5
**In progress