As Good As New
Happy almost New Year, everyone!
It's a new dawn, a new day.....of course, today is no different than any new day, yet the hope for renewal is rampant with the coming of a new year. People all over the world are toasting their champagne, making their resolutions, and promising themselves this year will be different. Something about a new year is so hopeful, but it's funny because any of us could change our lives any day, what's so special about a new year? As I heard a radio host joke, "Yeah, midnight comes every night, but this is the only one with a countdown."
Yet here I am, playing into the hype, writing resolutions, creating goals for the new year. And so that I'll be somewhat accountable for the those goals, here they are for the world to see.
- Stop worrying so much about other people's opinions
- Cook more home cooked meals and bake more desserts
- Take more risks
- Put down my phone more often, it's too attached to my hand
- Give more compliments
- Workout more
- Practice better posture
- Listen without interrupting and without waiting for my turn
- Read the news daily
- Maintain a budget
- Take a dancing class, maybe salsa or waltz
- Learn to tie a tie and a bowtie
- Keep my nails well manicured
- Create more art -- crafting, painting, photographing, writing, and more
- Go skydiving
- Say yes more often, but know when to say no
- Keep a journal and try to write as often as possible
- Take a self-defense class
- See Taylor Swift in concert
- Frolic in a field of wild flowers
- Do something crazy to my hair
- Find a lovely apartment in the city and decorate it with lots of pink
- Read more books, including at least five classics
- Open a retirement account and set up automatic deposits
- Study a language, specifically French
- Travel more, even if it's just small road trips
- Take a calligraphy class
- Go hiking
- Start doing yoga
- If I want to do something, just do it
- Savor the moment
I hope you'll all have a wonderful New Years Eve and will have a great 2015, full of love and laughter and happiness and most of all, adventure.
(I wore a gold sequin halter dress from Bebe, beige Jessica Simpson beige pumps, clear crystal Anthropologie earrings, crystal Express necklace, and crystal bracelet from Dillards.)
Photo credit: Lena Maio
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