Sometimes It's Black and White

Life is almost always a grey area... What should I do? What's the right choice? It's rarely a cut-and-dry yes or no. I recently transferred programs -- this is my first semester in the NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study, AKA a fancy way of saying a school where you can create your own major. You can combine varied interests in new and exciting ways. There are, of course, parameters, like certain types of credits you need to take and certain papers you need to write, but overall it allows a lot more freedom than any traditional degree. At this point, I've started calling my major The Marketing of Sustainable Fashion. I've always been passionate about the environment and clearly I'm interested in fashion, but one thing I saw while in Italy was how egregiously backwards the industry really is... Yeah, we love the concept of a $5 skirt from Forever 21, but if you take a second to stop and think about why they are able to sell it for so cheap, your stomach might turn. I've decided to start writing about sustainable fashion as I continue my research and learn more about being an educated consumer. It's so trendy to buy your food and other goods locally and sustainably, why not your fashion? Stay tuned...

(I wore a black and white vertical striped River Island tank top, wide leg black Asos pants, black leather Guess pumps, Alex + Ani bracelets, Olive + Piper silver and gold earrings, and a layered necklace from Forever 21.) 

Thanks Lena for the photos!